A staggering percentage of the population suffers from heart disease, and it is the number one cause of death in the United States.
In honor of National Heart Health Month, here are some excellent lifestyle tips that will leave you with a stronger, healthier, and happier heart.
1. Transform Your Eating Plan
Watching what you eat is essential to your cardiovascular health. Obesity is on the rise, and along with that comes the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.
Foods with bad cholesterol, fatty foods, highly processed foods, and high-sodium foods have all been shown to cause plaque build-up in the arteries of the heart. Plaque build-up prevents blood from pumping at an optimum level. This increased strain usually results in a heart attack.
Therefore, you should create meal plans that revolve around veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean meat, beans, seafood, and dairy products (non-fat).
2. Take Part in Regular Exercise
Our heart is a muscle, and it becomes stronger and more efficient with regular exercise.
In fact, spending 30+ minutes a day (five days a week), performing aerobic, flexibility, and strength training will improve blood flow to your heart, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of your arteries hardening, and minimize the chance of you suffering from cardiovascular disease.
So, what are you waiting for? Start moving today!
3. Prioritize Stress Relieving Activities
The relationship between high stress levels and compromised heart health has been proven. That’s why it is essential to manage our stress levels, so that undue strain is not placed on the heart.
Luckily, there are plenty of natural ways to experience stress relief, including: exercise, good nutrition, drinking tea, getting massages, and getting enough sleep.
If you find yourself in a stressful situation, you can also use relaxation techniques learnt from yoga, meditation, and tai chi.
4. Stop Smoking
Smoking is a harmful habit that is linked to kidney cancer, lung cancer, breathing difficulties, emphysema, and heart disease.
The good news is that there are plenty of ways to quit, including nicotine replacement therapies such as inhalers, sprays, gums, patches, and lozenges. You can also consult a therapist trained in breaking addictions.
If you are not a smoker, stay away from those who smoke as second-hand smoke is just as deadly.
5. Get Some Rest
In today’s hectic world, long hours and little sleep is glorified. However, sleep has many therapeutic and health benefits that should not be ignored.
Adults who get good quality sleep have healthier arteries than those who sleep too little or sleep too much. You should therefore maintain good sleeping habits in order to improve your heart health.
At Breast Thermography of Middle TN our Total Health Awareness Scan can detect blockages, coronary artery disease, and blood clots that can lead to strokes. Because our Total Health Awareness Scan detects any abnormality from your head to your toes, many clients choose this scan as their annual screening.
Book your Total Health Awareness Scan today, and let us detect any cardiac issues that you may be suffering from. Your heart deserves some TLC!