A congested lymphatic system can have devastating effects on your health and well being. It can leave you tired, sick, and in pain. The good news is that our Assisted Lymphatic Therapy (ALT) breaks up congested lymph fluid, guaranteeing optimum lymphatic system function.

Here are a few reasons to try out ALT:

What is ALT?

ALT is a non-invasive and painless therapeutic treatment that stimulates lymph flow and breaks up congestion in the lymphatic system. A Certified Lymphatic Therapist slowly passes two lymph drainage wands over your body, which emit vibration, light, and electrical waves to break down congested lymph. The buildup of waste and toxins can then be flushed out, bringing back the smooth flow of lymph fluid.

Benefits of ALT

1. Improved Immune Response

Your lymph works to deliver nutrients and disease-fighting materials to your cells while also getting rid of waste. One consequence of congested lymph is toxin and waste buildup, which leaves your body open to serious infection.

ALT works to break up lymph congestion, eliminates waste build up, and restores delivery of disease-fighting material to you cells, so that your body can fight off infections and illnesses.

“Prevention is better than cure.” Having a well-functioning immune system is critical!

2. Enhanced Overall Health

The health benefits of ALT are staggering. The benefits include, but are not limited to: weight loss, detoxification of body tissues, reduced discomfort from varicose veins, reduced discomfort from fibrocystic breasts, improved post-mastectomy health, reduced post-cosmetic surgery healing time, decreased muscle/tendon strain healing time, relieved chronic joint and muscle pain, reduced edema and water retention, boosted immune system, reduced symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, reduced inflammation, and reduced symptoms of a swollen prostate.

3. Immediate Results

There is nothing more satisfying than experiencing relief from a chronic illness. When you use ALT, your congested lymph will begin to break down during your first session, producing immediate and noticeable health improvements. There’s no need to waste time with treatments that offer delayed results when you can feel the results of ALT before you leave our offices!

4. Enjoyable Experience

Contrary to popular belief, your health journey does not need to be uncomfortable and unpleasant. ALT has been likened to a light touch massage; providing vital full body benefits through a spa-like experience.

5. Detox and Cleansing

There are numerous detox and cleansing trends, many of which provided temporary and sometimes negligible results. ALT offers concrete detox and cleansing from waste and toxins in your body, which can be maintained in the long term through a proper diet and exercise.

Unrestricted lymphatic flow is essential to your health and well being. Book your Assisted Lymphatic Therapy appointment today and enjoy a boost in health.