Sitting from 9-5 at a desk is now routine for most of us. As long as we have access to email and the internet, we can get most of our work done without ever getting up. However, sitting all day long with little physical exercise can seriously damage our health.

In honor of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, here are 6 simple ways to stay active with a desk job.

1. Take Regular Breaks
Break up the monotony of sitting at your desk by taking time to get up and walk around. Plan a break for 5-10 minutes every hour. This will get your muscles moving and your blood circulating.

If you constantly forget to take breaks, use an alarm to remind you.

2. Get a Standing Desk
Did you know that standing as you work can help you burn 147 calories per hour? A standing desk is incredibly effective at keeping you agile and active.

If you cannot afford a standing desk, try elevating your computer so that you can use it comfortably while standing up.

Want to take it to the next level? Buy a treadmill desk so that you can walk as you work!

3. Ditch your Chair
If you’re not thrilled with the idea of a standing desk, try using a fitness ball. A fitness ball still allows you to sit while you work, however, it forces you to engage your core muscles.

When you use the fitness ball, tighten your core, keep your back straight, and pull your muscles taut. After a while, you won’t even notice you’re working harder as you sit.

4. Skip the Elevator
Climbing stairs instead of riding the elevator boosts your heart rate, burns calories, increases your energy levels, exercises your muscles, and supports good immune system function.

So, ditch the elevator and get your cardio in by taking the stairs!

5. Take Advantage of Walking Meetings
There’s no better way to spice up a boring meeting than to have it on the go.

Walking boosts your energy, stretches your muscles, and wakes you up. Your co-workers will probably love to participate with you! Better yet, take your meeting outside and catch some Vitamin D and fresh air.

While walking meetings are not always possible, you should try to take advantage of them whenever you can.

6. Wear Comfortable Shoes
If your work shoes are too tight and your clothes are ill fitting and generally uncomfortable, it is highly unlikely that you will feel motivated to get moving.

So, switch out your uncomfortable clothing for something comfortable, and then get moving.

Don’t let a sedentary lifestyle compromise your health; use the tips above to remain active even behind a desk. If pain in your body is preventing you from living a healthy lifestyle, book your Total Health Awareness Scan today and let us discover what is keeping you from being active.