Arthritis Is a condition causing inflammation in the joints, it can affect one or more areas of the body. It manifests in pain and stiffness, and most commonly exacerbates with age. There are several types of arthritis, possibly the most severe is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), which is commonly referred to as “crippling arthritis”. It can be one of the most painful types of arthritis; it affects joints as well as other surrounding tissues, including organs. This inflammatory, autoimmune disease attacks healthy cells by mistake, causing painful swelling in the joints, like hands, wrists, hips, and knees.

Most people do not know Rheumatoid Arthritis is directly connected to the auto-immune system. Nor do they understand the emotional and dietary components that are often associated with the onset of arthritis.

Is Sugar and Dairy Bad for Autoimmune Arthritis (RA)?

Did you know that sugar and cow dairy are two of the most inflammatory substances we put in our bodies? Both sugar and cow dairy settle in our joints. Dairy can have bacteria. Bacteria love to settle in the joints. It also contains casein protein; this type of protein can trigger inflammation. This also relates to dairy butter, it is high in saturated fats, which can also contribute to inflammation and trigger joint pain. This does not mean all dairy is bad for you. It simply points out that everything in moderation will be better tolerated and positively absorbed by the body.

Referencing back to the autoimmune system, it is vital we keep that system as clean as possible for a myriad of reasons, arthritis being one of them. Autoimmune arthritis is the name given to a group of arthritis types where a person’s immune system attacks itself. When the immune system attacks itself, the result is inflammation in a joint that can cause pain, stiffness, and mobility limitations.

Autoimmune Arthritis (RA) and the Lymphatic System

One of the keys to a healthy autoimmune system is the lymphatic system. It is at least 85% of the immune system. Keeping the lymphatic system moving is paramount to improving the immune system. This is a fairly easy task once you understand its function, pathway and a few exercises. Daily dry body brushing, any inversion, and receiving Assisted Lymphatic Therapy which is a deep cleansing of the lymphatic system are all excellent ways to move the lymph. Thus, aiding in keeping the entire body working to its optimal capacity. Although you can help yourself at home, you must understand stress, injury and illness are the 3 most common contributors to congestion. This can be cleared with Assisted Lymphatic Therapy. This normally requires about 4 sessions over 90-days and then biannually for maintenance. This care plan will vary by each person.

Arthritis cannot be reversed. 

However, with a correct diagnosis and just a few physical, emotional, and dietary changes, it can be managed. This does not mean some arthritis sufferers will not need pharmaceutical intervention. It simply means there are ways you can help make those interventions more effective.

Give us a call at 615-934-3121 so we can help you find the most effective course of action for your arthritis care, Victoria Bailey Thermography, Health & Wellness.

We serve clients in Franklin, Cool Springs, Nashville, Spring Hill, and surrounding areas.