October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and for most women out there, it’s the looming reminder that they, too, are susceptible to the ever-present threat of a breast cancer diagnosis.

With the breast cancer statistics as high as they are, it is hardly surprising that many women rush out to get a mammogram to try and eliminate their chance of developing breast cancer!

On average, every 2 minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, and every 13 minutes, a woman dies from breast cancer. After lung cancer, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women!
12% of women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and 2.5% will die. So if 39 women sit in a room, 5 of them will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and 1 will die!

These are some seriously sobering statistics.

Mainstream media assures us that if we just have every woman get a routine mammogram, we can fix this!
They tell us women don’t have to needlessly suffer and that the answer is so simple: routine mammograms!

But the facts tell a very different story.

Each year thousands of women flock to have their mammograms done. But is a routine mammogram the best or only option?


It is no secret that many medical tests and procedures can be harmful and have a range of risks-Mammography is no exception!

The harms of routine mammography screening include:

  • Overtreatment of Non-Life Threatening Breast Cancer
    Some breast cancers will likely never cause symptoms or become life-threatening. Mammograms cannot differentiate between life-threatening and non-life-threatening, so they’re all treated the same way. This leads to stressful and unnecessary treatments. These treatments cause a physical and psychological toll on individuals that can seriously impact a woman’s quality of life.
  • A False Positive Cancer Diagnosis
    When a healthcare provider believes, based on a mammogram result, that a woman may have breast cancer when she does not. False positives lead to stress, financial costs, and invasive procedures.
  • A False-Negative Diagnosis
    Equally harmful is a false-negative diagnosis. Routine screening mammograms miss about 20 percent of invasive breast cancers.


Unlike mammograms, Thermography scans are radiation-free, touch-free, non-invasive, and without painful compression!
Thermography uses a specialized infrared camera with highly accurate heat sensors to detect discrepancies in body temperature. Abnormalities, injuries, pains, and abnormal pathology changes the temperature of surrounding tissue, and these differences are clearly visible through Thermography.

Our scan can detect many conditions and precursors to conditions that mammography cannot, such as inflammation, estrogen dominance, and lymphatic congestion allowing for preventative steps.

Our Thermography scan will detect small and subtle changes over time, making the process highly individualized and unique to you. After your initial scan, we will recommend a follow-up after three months, allowing us to create your individual baseline. After establishing
your baseline, we can monitor any changes in your body.

It’s essential for you to understand all of your possible choices to choose the best option for you!