The use of thermography in clinical diagnostics is relatively new, and this means that there are several misconceptions regarding its uses and capabilities. One of the most common misconceptions is that thermography has a gender barrier, which is not a huge surprise when most people link thermography to breast screening.
Fortunately, men can take full advantage of thermography for their own health.
Thermography and Men Health Scans
Why should men use thermography? There are two main answers to this question:
1. Thermography helps identify current ailments and injuries, such as musculoskeletal pain, cardiovascular problems, and athletic trauma.
Thermography is the only technology available for visualizing pain. This non-invasive procedure eliminates needless poking and prodding, and will hone in on trouble spots that are invisible to the naked eye.
A Full Body Thermography scan can provide a head to toe view of the entire body, making it highly efficient and thorough. Thermography can help to identify hormonal imbalances, cardio issues, vascular inflammation, thyroid problems, gum and dental damage, allergies, lymphatic congestion, and muscle injuries to name a few.
Additionally, thermography can be used to discover muscular strain, upper back pain, digestive issues, food allergies, pelvic troubles, and musculoskeletal problems in your lower back, upper back, and abdomen.
Any findings can then be reviewed, evaluated, and treated by a specialist. It couldn’t be any simpler.

2. Thermography also allows for preventive health screening, which gives you a proactive role in your health and well being.
Unlike other medical procedures that identify current diseases, which require reactive treatments, thermography identifies budding diseases, which can be managed or resolved with proactive treatments.
One disease that comes to mind is heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the US according to the CDC. The cardiovascular disease mortality rate is also much higher in men across all age distributions.
This is where thermography comes in. By providing early detection screening for cardiovascular diseases, you have the chance to monitor your cardiovascular health and make lifestyle changes where necessary.
And how does this work? Simple; thermography detects inflammation caused by damaged artery walls, pericarditis, as well as elevated C – reactive protein in your blood. It can also detect blood clots and blockages, which are common with coronary artery disease.
Many of our male clients choose our Full Body Thermography Scan as their annual health screening. It is a great “predictive indicator” for anything going on in your body, or anything that could possibly starting.
As you can see, thermography offers invaluable health benefits for men. It’s now time for you to take full control of your health and well being, and you can start by booking your scan today. You won’t regret this proactive approach!