Despite the rapid evolvement of medical techniques and drugs, numerous health issues plague our society today. It’s not enough to treat your disease or ailment and hope for a good outcome. Nowadays, it is essential to play an active role in your health.

That’s where preventative screening comes in. Screening gives you the opportunity to stay one step ahead in the fight for healthy living by ensuring that you always know what is going on inside your body.

Monitoring Your Breast Health

While it is important to undergo full body screening on a regular basis, we would like to touch on breast screening in particular.

According to the American Cancer Society, “about 1 in 8 (12%) women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime.”

The problem is, most people only discover that they are suffering from a breast-related disease once symptoms begin to manifest. At this point, the disease has already spread, putting you at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, you can’t cross your fingers and hope that the disadvantage is small and that the disease has only progressed a little bit.

You can’t leave your breast health up to fate!

Self Exam & Annual Breast Screening

Breast Self-Exams have been shown to be an “essential screening strategy”. By routinely examining your breasts (on a monthly basis) you can detect changes that might be indicative of growths such as cancer. However, this action performed alone is not sufficient.

Thankfully, targeted screening such as our annual Thermography Breast Screening allows you to have a full picture of your breast health. In this way, you can detect abnormalities early and take the necessary steps to halt or reverse the progress of the disease.

Not only is Thermography Breast Screening good for your peace of mind, it also allows you to play an active role in your health.

Now, you might be asking yourself why you should go with Thermography over other conventional breast screening options on the market.

The answer is simple.

Thermography is a safer, more effective, and more comfortable option. Thermograms do not emit radiation and they have the ability to identify the smallest instances of inflammation and abnormal growth occurring in your breasts.

Furthermore, the test does not require a hands-on approach by a medical professional, giving you the comfort and privacy that you may desire.

What To Expect From Your Breast Screening

The initial, or baseline breast scan consists of a minimum of 6 edited images of the breast and upper back. This appointment takes approximately 30 minutes and includes image review and breast health education. A second scan is taken and in 3 months creating the baseline for your personal breast health. These images are used for comparative analysis. Once your baseline is established, standard recommendation is imaging annually for consistent monitoring of any change in the breast physiology.

Your results will be emailed to you within 2-3 days. You will receive a full written interpretation from one of our medical doctors as well as a full set of your images. This will make it easy for you to share with your primary care practitioner, OBGYN, specialist, etc., for further analysis and to determine if any additional care is needed.

Additional Benefits

While thermography is known primarily as a preventative breast health screening option, the benefits can be applied to the rest of the body. Other than helping to help assess the risks relating to breast cancer, thermography is used to track changes in women with fibrocystic conditions, infections, allergies and even cardiovascular diseases that affect the arteries.

We can’t stress how straightforward this process is. In addition to breast self-exams and annual thermography screening, remember to exercise regularly, consume a healthy and balanced diet (whole-food diets are recommended), get your daily dose of Vitamin D, consume Omega-3 fatty acids, and maintain a healthy weight.

If you’re ready to take your health into your own hands, click here to book your breast screening appointment today.