Turkey tail mushrooms have been used for centuries in China and Japan to boost health and immunity.

Named for its colorful and wavy stripes, which resemble a turkey’s tail feathers, this beautiful and medicinal mushroom can be easily found growing on dead wood across forests around the world.

The turkey tail mushroom boasts of anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-oxidant properties. It has also been shown to increase energy, alleviate pain, reduce phlegm, and assist with respiratory illnesses.

Let’s take a closer look at a few other important health benefits of turkey tail mushrooms:

1. Turkey Tail Mushrooms Combat Infections

One of the most pronounced benefits of the turkey tail mushroom is its ability to boost your immune system, allowing your body to effectively fight off illnesses and infections.

This mushroom can combat and treat colds, flu, pneumonia, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Hepatitis C, herpes, staph infection, and E. coli.

If you’re worried about catching an infection during the cold and flu season, add turkey tail mushrooms to your diet to strengthen your body’s immune system.

2. Turkey Tail Mushrooms Fight Cancer

As we’ve seen above, turkey tail mushrooms significantly enhance your immune system, helping your body’s natural killer cells destroy cancer cells.

Though the mushrooms impact is most evident in patients with breast cancer, it also shows potential in fighting stomach, lung, uterine, cervical, esophageal, colon, and nasopharyngeal cancers.

At the moment, turkey tail mushrooms supplement radiation and chemotherapy treatment, by improving the immune function of patients who have had their immunity suppressed by their cancer treatments.

3. Turkey Tail Mushrooms Improve Digestion

Turkey tail mushrooms contain prebiotics which promote growth of good bacteria in your intestines (large colon and bowel) for improved health and smooth digestion.

These mushrooms are a great option for those suffering with poor digestion, including leaky gut syndrome which has damaging effects on the health, function and wellbeing of millions of people.

If you do not like the chewy texture of this medicinal mushroom, consider brewing it in tea or taking it as a capsule or powder. For best results, ensure that your mushrooms are organic and have been properly sourced.

As you can see, turkey tail mushrooms offer vital benefits for your health and wellbeing, and are an important supplement for your diet. However, you should consult with your physician before you incorporate the mushroom into your routine.

If you are struggling with symptoms that could be indicative of any of the health conditions listed above, book your Total Health Awareness Scan today and let us identify what is going on inside your body.