What is Assisted Lymphatic Therapy?
If you struggle with fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration, joint pain, inflammation, or recurring colds, it might just be a congested lymphatic system. We explain how Assisted Lymphatic Therapy can help.

5 Natural Ways to Improve Your Heart Health
In honor of National Heart Health Month, here are some excellent lifestyle tips that will leave you with a stronger, healthier, and happier heart.

5 Natural Ways to Boost Thyroid Health
More than 20 million Americans suffering from a thyroid disorder. Let’s take a look at 5 natural methods for boosting and improving your thyroid health.

5 Ways to Reduce Stress Naturally
We take a look at some helpful and natural stress relief techniques that you can use over the holidays and all year round– from BioMat Therapy to Massage to Essential Oils…

Benefits of BioMat Therapy
BioMat therapy is a holistic approach with numerous health benefits, including pain relief, detoxification, increased circulation, and reduced stress and inflammation.

Why haven’t I heard of Thermography?
In 1982, the FDA approved thermography (also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging) as a supplementary breast cancer screening tool. But over 34 years later, we hear very little about thermography and its benefits. Let’s take a look at why this is . . .

10 Tips to Naturally Slow Down the Aging Process
Aging is inevitable, however, we all take steps to prevent the speed at which we age. In honor of National Healthy Aging Month, here are 10 tips to naturally slow down the aging process.

The Importance of Monitoring Your Breast Health
It’s not enough to treat your disease or ailment and hope for a good outcome. Nowadays, it is essential to play an active role in your health.That’s where preventative screening comes in.

Whole Body Screening for Men and Women
With the rapid progression of illnesses and ailments, it is important for you to visit a medical professional on a regular basis to monitor your health. Advancements in the medical field now allow for safe, non-invasive, and meticulous checkups. How exactly is this possible? The answer is simple: thermography!